Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Teasers n' Trailers 09/10 Part 16: Variety Pack, I Heart Snow Productions

Round 2! This is the second of three teasers of Variety Pack's Video "Not Bad", and I Heart Snow Productions' second and third of three teasers of their upcoming video "Recession Proof". Check it!

- Variety Pack - "Not Bad" Teaser 2: Featuring: Alex Andrews, Mark Sollors, Ben Hanisch, JP Tomich, Matt Belzile, Sean Black, Cam Pierce, Trevor Rhoda, Max Honegger, Ted Borland, Clint Allan, Brandon Hammid, Gulli Gudmondsson, Andrew Burns, Steve Cartwright, Max Baillargeon, Chris Grenier, Jed Anderson, Drew Fuller, Jody Wachniak, Knut Eliassen, Jesmond Dubeau, Derek Dennison, Mac Spedale, Matt Piasecki, Ben Farrell, Bode Merrill, Chris Brewster.
More information, here:

not bad! teaser 2 of 3 from Variety Pack on Vimeo.

- I Heart Snow Productions - "Recession Proof": Featuring: Brandon Honeycutt, Shaun Murphy, Mike Ravelson, Brendon Rego, Sawyer Deen, Luke Haddock, Riley Nickerson, Will Mayo, Jay Giannunzio, Ian Keay, TJ James, Monique Hyman, Chris Beresford, Ben Pond , Laura Rogoski, Ian Post , Jordan Parks, Yale Cousino.
For more information visit:

Teaser 2:

Teaser 3: