- Absinthe Films - "Neverland": Absinthe's new flick with some sick shots! Featuring: Travis Rice, Dan Brisse, Bode Merrill, Nicolas Müller, Sylvain Bourbousson, JP Solberg, Romain deMarchi, DCP, Marc Frank Montoya, Annie Boulanger, Marie-France Roy, Jules Reymond, Wille Yli-Luoma, Cale Zima, Phil Damianakes, Wolfgang Nyvelt, Kevin Pearce, Eero Ettala, Gigi Rüf and more. More information here: http://www.absinthe-films.com/
Neverland by Absinthe Films from Absinthe Films on Vimeo.
- Standard Films - "Black Winter": Riders: Torstein Horgmo, Eric Jackson, Mark Landvik, Andreas Wiig, Jason Dubois, Andrew Geeves, Ben Lynch, Chas Guldemond, Leanne Pelosi, Seb Toots, Lonnie Kauk, Xavier Delerue. For more information check out: http://standardfilmsblackwintermovie.com/
Black Winter Teaser Standard Films from FreestyleTV.ch on Vimeo.
- Burton - "The B Movie (The Backward Movie)": More information here: www.burton.com
- Nitro - "Esperanto": Check out: http://www.nitrousa.com/en for more information.