And it just keeps getting better...
das hört ja gar nicht mehr auf...
- Think Thank - "Cool Story": Riders: Jesse Burtner, Chris Bredford, Mark Thompson, Gus Engle, Tim Eddy, Matt Edgers, Johnny Miller, Blair Habenicht, Andre Spinelli, Pat Milbery, Nick Visconti, Chris Larson, Scott Stevens, Austin Horonaka, Jef Hoffman, Sean Genovese, Ben Bogart, Sam Hubert. Infos auf:
- Transworld - "Get Real": Riders: Jed Anderson, Chris Grenier, Scott Stevens, Eero Niemela, Kyle Clancy, Mikey Rencz, Sammy Luebke, Scotty Lago, Patrick McCarthy, u.a.
Für weitere Informationen geht auf:
- Vaca Films - "So Much To Say": Riders: Jake Devine, Brendon Drury, Silver Serino, Nick Visconti, Ben Rice, Cody Boan, June Bhongjan, Taylor Carlton, u.a.
More Infos on:
- Magic Hair Productions - "Bits And Pieces": Riders: Anthony Cardelli, Alex Caner, Nate Lavik, Jessi Huege, Mikey Park, Ben Hanisch, Ryan Gray, Tommy Maura, Kent Leng, Brandon Sakiemicg, Paul Buck, Cale Lingmeyer, Colin Aflay, Cannor Douthard, Kyle Kelly and friends. Infos:
Bits and Pieces Teaser from John Cywinski on Vimeo.
Stay tuned for more stuff...