- Role Model Productions - "Think Positive": Riders: Austin Young, Dylan Alito, Chad Otterstrom, Jake Olson-Elm, Ethan Deiss, Adam Dowell, Austin Julik-Heine, Colin Langlois, Doran Laybourn, JJ Thomas, Jon Makens and others. For further information check: http://rolemodelsnow.blogspot.com/
Think Positive. from riley erickson on Vimeo.
- Mellow Parks China - "Happy Niu Year": More information on: http://www.mellow.net.cn/08mellow/08mellowe/index.asp
mellowparks.cn "happy 牛 year" teaser from Steve Zdarsky on Vimeo.
- Alterna Films - "Elektro": Featuring: Mikey Rencz, JF Fortin, Vera Janssen, Chris Dufficy, Tadej Valentan, Craig Beaulieu, Benji Ritchie, Chris Rasman, Matt Belzile, Gaetan Chanut, Eero Niemela and Matt Beardmore. Further information on: http://www.alternaactionfilms.com/
Elektro teaser by Alterna from snowbroader.eu on Vimeo.
- Familytreeland - "What A Life": This movie will be available for free on familytreeland.com this summer.
What A Life FT snowteaser from Ryan Kenny on Vimeo.