Sunday, November 29, 2009

Peep Show

This is a sweet all girls video featuring: Colleen Quigley, Jess Kimura, Marie Hucal, Desiree Melancon, Esthera Preda, June Bhongjan, Laurie Gauvin, Sara Phillips, Sandra Hillen, Izzy Lalive, Gabby Maiden, Bev Vuilleumier, Madison Blackley, Celia Miller, Leanne Pelosi and friends.

peepshow part 1 from peep show on Vimeo.

peepshow part 2 from peep show on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Factor Films - They Came From...

You don't wanna spend your precious money on next month's issue of the Onboard magazine and actually keep a real dvd in your hands? Well, no problem, 'cause the guys from Factor films decided to put their whole movie online (one part at a time). And since they released them one every day over the last two weeks, here's the whole video:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Flicks for free!! 09/10 Part 7: Factor Films - "Up In The Sky" & "Notes"

Since there's a problem with the mpora website I can't upload the single parts of Factor Films' new video "They Came From...". In the meantime you can watch their two older movies, "Up In The Sky" and "Notes". You can even download them on vimeo (provided that you've got a vimeo account). Enjoy...

UP IN THE SKY - FACTOR FILMS 2007 from factor films on Vimeo.

NOTES - FACTOR FILMS 2008 from factor films on Vimeo.

Variety Pack - "Not Bad!": Ben Farrell, Friends, Ted Borland, & Mac Spedale

not bad! - Ben Farrell, Friends, Ted Borland, & Mac Spedale from Variety Pack on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

DC - The Reason

A short part featuring every team rider:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Forum Fridays: Slams

A lot of tumbling and crashing... ;-)

FORUM FRIDAY'S - SLAMS from Forum Snowboards on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Flipside by Absinthe Films: The Making of Neverland

In the last three years the guys from Absinthe released a making-of for each one of their videos (More, Optimistic? and Ready). This year it's Neverland's turn: Follow the Absinthe riders on their trips all around the world and see what they experience, things you're not going to see in the actual video. So here's episode one, the others will follow. Check out for more inside information.

Flipside IV (the making of Neverland) - episode 1 from Absinthe Films on Vimeo.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday Wallpaper

Do you need a new background, but can't find a decent one? Check out these links! releases new desktop backgrounds (almost) every Wednesday (that's why it's called Wednesday wallpaper...).








Variety Pack - "Not Bad!": JP Tomich, Knut Eliassen, Brandon Hammid

Parts 5, 6 and 7.

not bad! - JP Tomich from Variety Pack on Vimeo.

not bad! - Knut Eliassen from Variety Pack on Vimeo.

not bad! - Brandon Hammid from Variety Pack on Vimeo.

Flicks for free!! 09/10 Part 6: YKWII - As Green As It Gets

A sweet little video by some U.S. ams. Featuring: Austen Sweetin, Bart Patatuchi, John Shaw, Yudo Kurita, Sean Mckilop, Anders Berling, Chase Cleavland, Seth Kitzke and many more. Directed and edited by Tommy Little. You can download the video if you've got a Vimeo account. For more information check out their blog:

YKWII presents "AS GREEN AS IT GETS" from tommy little on Vimeo.